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ICC 2008, 19-23 May, Beijing, China

Conference Paper
Title: Blooming Trees: Space-Efficient Structures for Data Representation
Authors: Domenico Ficara, Stefano Giordano, Gregorio Procissi, Fabio Vitucci

Conference: ICC 2008, 19-23 May, Beijing, China
Abstract: A Bloom Filter is an efficient randomized data structure for membership queries on a set with a certain known false positive probability. A Counting Bloom Filter (CBF) allows the same operations on dynamical sets that can be updated via insertions and deletions with larger memory requirements. This paper presents a novel hierarchical data structure, called Blooming Tree, that replicates the functionalities of a CBF with lower memory consumption and tunable false positive probability. The hierarchical multi-layer design of Blooming Trees allows for distributing the structure in different memory levels, thus exploiting small but fast on-chip memories for most frequently accessed substructures. The proposed algorithm is compared to previous existing schemes on a target platform: Intel IXP2XXX Network Processors (NPs).

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